Terms and Conditions


Legal Terms

The information on this website (Site) is published by KINGSIDA TRADING LTD. Any contents or information (the "Information") contained on this Site are provided as a general source of information only and should not be considered as advice on any services or investments of KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, and KINGSIDA TRADING LTD shall not be held liable for inaccuracies in the Information presented.

Important Notice: By accessing and using this Site, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to accept and be bound by the terms set out below. These legal terms or disclaimers apply to all aspects of the Site, including the portions of the Site that may only be accessed by login credentials. If you do not agree to these terms, please exit or do not access this Site.

Use of this Site

Access to this Site is subject to applicable procedures of KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, which may be developed or updated from time to time. KINGSIDA TRADING LTD will make its best efforts to keep this Site operational. However, KINGSIDA TRADING LTD cannot guarantee that the Site will always be accessible, and may in its sole discretion, modify, suspend or terminate the access or services provided to you through this Site without notice. The contents of this Site are provided for informational purpose, and are not intended to provide specific individual advice including, without limitation, investment, accounting, legal or tax etc. Please consult with your own professional advisor on your particular circumstances.

Site Content

All content or any price information on the Site is presented only as of the date posted and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. The contents or information provided on the Site may be changed, modified or updated from time to time without notice. You agree to review the Site regularly and accept those modifications if you continue to use the Site.

KINGSIDA TRADING LTD makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the information and material contained in this Site is accurate and up-to-date at the time of posting. However, KINGSIDA TRADING LTD cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of any site content or functionality, and accepts no responsibility for any loss arising from any use of or reliance on the information contained on this Site.

Third Party Websites or Links

Links to other parities' web sites are intended for convenience only. KINGSIDA TRADING LTD does not review, endorse, approve or control the content of those sites or their products and services. Similarly, KINGSIDA TRADING LTD does not endorse sites which refer to our site. Linking to any other site is at your sole risk and KINGSIDA TRADING LTD will not be responsible or liable for any damages in connection with linking or any consequences associated with contents of those sites.

No Endorsements

The inclusion of any Site information, acknowledgments or identification of persons and entities shall not, in any manner, be construed as an endorsement for the product, person or entity by KINGSIDA TRADING LTD. No endorsement or approval of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressed or implied by any Information on this Site.

Security and Confidentiality

The Internet is not a secure medium to ensure privacy or security, and use of the Internet or a website (including information transmitted to the website) may be subject to access by, or disclosure to, other persons. As such, complete security and confidentiality over the Internet is not possible. As with other communication medium (e.g. cell phones, mail), any unprotected E-mail communication over the Internet is not confidential, subject to possible interception, alteration or loss. KINGSIDA TRADING LTD shall not be responsible or liable for any harm that you or any other person may suffer in connection with any such breach of confidentiality or security. Personal, confidential and/or proprietary information with respect to KINGSIDA TRADING LTD 's clients or business can only be accessed by KINGSIDA TRADING LTD's authorized employees, representatives and officers, and should be kept confidential and not shared with any unauthorized persons or parties.


Information provided to KINGSIDA TRADING LTD through this Site or other means is used for intended business purposes only in order to serve you as an existing or prospective client. Personal information that you disclose while visiting the Site will be respected by KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, and policies governing the protection of privacy on the Site are observed and developed. KINGSIDA TRADING LTD takes reasonable steps or measures to prevent unauthorized access to this Site. Related technology or technical and navigational information may be used to improve web functionality for a better service.

Copyright and Trademarks

This Site is proprietary to KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, and the contents of the Site are protected by applicable copyright laws. All texts, illustrations, graphics and images displayed on the Site are and shall remain at all times the property of the KINGSIDA TRADING LTD. Without express prior written permission from KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, no one is granted to copy, distribute, modify, post, or produce any text, graphics, video audio, software code or user interface design or logos. Any unauthorized use or exploitation of such marks and names of KINGSIDA TRADING LTD or retransmission, or other copying or modification of trademarks and/or the contents of this Site is strictly prohibited.

Most of names, titles, phrases, logos, icons, words, graphics or designs or other content in this Site may constitute trademarks or trade names, registered or not, property of KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, its affiliated companies or subsidiaries and represent only part of their intellectual property. The display of trademarks and trade names in this Site does not imply that a license of any kind has been granted, and it's not permitted to use these marks or names without KINGSIDA TRADING LTD's express consent.

Disclaimer of Liability

Use of the Site shall be on an "as is" basis entirely at your own risk. Neither KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, nor any of its affiliates, nor any officer, director, or employee, nor those associated with the creation of the Site or its contents, shall be liable or responsible in any way for any harm, loss or damage that may arise in any connection with your use of this Site or reliance upon the Site or its contents whatsoever, including without limitation any direct, indirect, special, third party, incidental, economic, or consequential damages, exemplary, punitive or any unauthorized reproduction or use of the Information on the Site, even if KINGSIDA TRADING LTD has been advised of the possibility of damages.


All services or products of KINGSIDA TRADING LTD and its associated obligations are subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the applicable account applications or services agreements. Account opening or business relationship can only be established through such documents signed with KINGSIDA TRADING LTD, which will govern the use of KINGSIDA TRADING LTD’s services or products, and are subject to acceptance, approvals or changes by KINGSIDA TRADING LTD.